Sustainable Permaculture Suburban Yard Design

A woman harvests vegetables in her front yard

Permaculture is a buzzword with a history that goes back to the mid 1970’s as a term. However, the practice has been used for many centuries by civilizations like Egypt that were sophisticated in their approach to the land. Today, we can integrate permaculture front yard design in an effort to better steward land while enhancing our landscapes. Front yard permaculture will provide permanent agriculture which generally also offers home grown food sources.  Edible landscaping isn’t a new concept, but when combined with suburban permaculture, it is part of a sustainable system. Some planning must go into the permaculture yard, developing systems that go hand in hand for a cyclical garden. A well planned front yard permaculture garden offers seamless beauty and readily available food in a practice that fosters the return of nutrients to soil, water management, and encourages a natural ecosystem.  Planning Front Yard Permaculture The first step […]

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