Fun Facts About Honeybees

A honeybee crawls inside its honeycomb

Mark your calendars! The third Saturday in August is National Honeybee Day, and it has been since 2009. This can truly be called a “grass-roots” holiday, since it was the initiative of beekeepers who wished to build community awareness of the bee industry. Why have a national honeybee day, you might ask. The simple answer is that these bees play a large part in making our world the beautiful planet it is. Honeybee Facts If you take the time to learn about honeybees and the pollination they are responsible for, you will better understand why there should be a National honeybee Day. Honeybees make honey, as their name indicates, but did you know that they are the sole insect to actually produce food that people eat? While honeybees visit over 2 million blossoms to make a single pound of honey, they have to fly some 55,000 miles to get the […]

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