Whether you container garden due to space issues or just like the look of decorative pots, at the end of the season you will be faced with a significant amount of used potting soil. You might then wonder what to do with old soil from pots. Can you reuse potting soil? That’s a good question, and we have the answer. Can you Reuse Potting Soil? The answer is a resounding yes. Not only can you reuse potting soil, but you should. Reusing potting soil saves money, time, and resources. If you reuse potting soil, however, you need to do a little tweaking to the medium. Reusing Old Potting Soil: Step One The first thing you want to do with used potting soil it to sterilize it. Sterilize old potting soil to rid the medium of soil-borne fungi which cause diseases and to kill any harboring pests. That said, if you […]
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