DIY Recycled Raised Garden Beds

Upcycled raised garden beds perform multiple functions. They are an excellent way of using items that would otherwise be thrown away. But they also raise gardening tasks up to the gardener, reducing back strain and assisting persons with disabilities. Repurposing by building recycled raised beds is only limited by one’s imagination. Many common items make perfect recycled garden beds that will add whimsy and charm to the landscape.  Recycled Raised Bed Ideas When spring cleaning time comes around, we often find items that are not used. Consider using some of these for recycled raised bed ideas. Even an old bucket can make a perfect mini, recycled plastic raised garden bed. Sources for materials might also include construction sites, grocery stores, transport companies, and other areas where excess items go unused.  Pretty much anything that can hold enough soil for root growth may be used to make a planter or raised […]

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