Spring is a great time to plant most trees and shrubs, but pruning in this season isn’t for every plant. Some trees are best pruned just after flowering in summer, others in the heart of winter. But there are trees and shrubs that do best when pruned in early spring. Which are the plants to consider for spring pruning? Read on for more information. Pruning Trees in Spring Spring pruning should be on the calendar for some trees, but not all. Spring flowering plants that bloom on old wood (like azaleas, dogwood and camellia) are best pruned in the summer after they have flowered. However, if they are overgrown and neglected, rejuvenation pruning is in order and spring is the best time to proceed. Deciduous shade trees like birch and maples, and evergreens like juniper and yew should also be pruned very early in spring if you haven’t done it […]
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