Deck The Halls: History Of Evergreens In The Home And Decorating Tips

In the history of holiday decorations, live evergreen trees are some of the most commonly used in various ways. Both Christians and pagans have used them in some form for thousands of years. The first live Christmas trees were displayed centuries ago in Northern Europe. Some people there even planted and grew them in boxes indoors. Romans of long ago used fir trees and live branches as decoration for the New Year. They believed hanging boughs of greenery protected them from evil spirits and demons. Many also used holly for indoor decorations. The first person known to bring a Christmas tree inside in Germany was the 16th century preacher, Martin Luther. Christians believed evergreens were a “sign of everlasting life with God.” Trees were decorated for a time with fresh fruit, pretzels and paper flowers. Possibly, the children were allowed to help back then with making decorations, as they sometimes […]

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