Giving Away Garden Tools: Where Can You Donate Garden Tools

From soil preparation to harvest, maintaining a garden requires dedication and determination. While a strong work ethic is key to tending such a growing space, it cannot be done without the right set of tools. Gloves, spades, rakes, hoes, and shears – the list of required tools grows quickly. Though many gardeners manage to accumulate these implements over time, the cost of such items may feel impossible for others. Donate Old Garden Tools Seasonal care of gardening tools is among the most commonly overlooked garden tasks by gardeners. Each fall, garden tools should be thoroughly cleaned and stored out of the weather during the winter. This is also the ideal time to consider replacing gently worn tools or upgrading the most used items in preparation for the next season. Rather than disposing of these older, used gardening tools, consider donating tools to charity so that others may benefit from them. […]

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