Michigan Summer Flowers: Flowers For Hot Summers In Michigan

Michigan is a state that truly has all four seasons. From the depths of a cold and snowy winter to the 90-degree days of summer, we see it all. The summer months can get very hot in Michigan, and not all flowers can stand up to the heat. As an additional challenge, summer days here can be wet and muggy, or part of a drought. Perennial Flowers for Michigan Summers The best heat tolerant summer flowers to plant in Michigan are native. These perennials evolved to grow in the state’s summer weather and require less care and watering than non-native species. Wild lupine – Growing up to three feet (one meter) tall with striking blue spikes of flowers, lupine plants thrive in dry, sandy soil. It is also the only plant to host the caterpillar of the Karner blue butterfly, a threatened native species. Milkweed – This native is a […]

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Via Gardening How To – Gardening Know How https://www.gardeningknowhow.com
