Southwest Fruit Trees: Growing Fruit In The Southwest Region

Growing fruit in the southwestern United States is tricky. Read on to learn about a few of the best trees for growing in a Southwest fruit orchard. Selecting Fruit Trees for Southwestern States The southwestern states encompass plateaus, mountains, and canyons with vast variations in USDA growing zones ranging from chilly zone 4 to warm, arid deserts with summer highs well above 100 F. (38 C.). In the warm areas of the Southwest, cherries and many other types of fruit trees have a difficult time because they require a winter chilling period of 400 hours or more, with temperatures between 32-45 F. (0-7 C.). Chilling requirement is a major consideration when selecting fruit trees for southwestern states. Look for varieties with requirements of 400 hours or less where winters are warm and mild. Southwest Fruit Trees Apples can be grown in this region. The following types are good choices: Ein […]

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