Using Herbal Teas For Health: Tea To Drink When You’re Sick

The world is a different place than it was a few months ago. At this writing, the coronavirus is prancing merrily across the globe, wreaking havoc and destroying health and lives. The hospital system is overwhelmed, so the best many of us can do is maintain our immune systems and overall well-being. Herbal tea plants can be key to some of that. Teas to fight viruses may be your first line of defense in a time of such widespread illness. Herbal Teas for Health Taking care of yourself is always at the core of a well lived life. Using herbal teas for health is an ancient practice that should see a resurgence. If it was good enough for our ancestors, there must be something to the exercise. The best tea for virus busting varies by symptom, but most have high antioxidant properties which can help enhance your immune system. I

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