Is It Safe To Order Garden Supplies: How To Safely Receive Plants In The Mail

Is it safe to order garden supplies online? Although it’s wise to be concerned about package safety during quarantines, or any time you’re ordering plants online, the risk of contamination is actually very low. The following information will help keep you and your family safe. Is it Safe to Order Garden Supplies? The U.S. Postal Service and the World Health Organization (WHO) have announced that there is very little risk that an infected person can contaminate commercial goods, even when the package is shipped from another country. The chance that COVID-19 will be carried on a package is also low. Due to shipping conditions, the virus is unlikely to survive for more than a few days, and one study by the National Institutes of Health indicated the virus may survive on cardboard for no more than 24 hours. However, your package may be handled by several people, and hopefully nobody

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