What Is Pumice Used For: Tips On Using Pumice In Soil

The perfect potting soil varies depending on its use. Each type of potting soil is specifically formulated with different ingredients whether the need is for better aerated soil or water retention. Pumice is one such ingredient used as a soil amendment. What is pumice and what does using pumice in soil do for plants? Read on to find out about growing plants in pumice. What is Pumice? Pumice is fascinating stuff, borne out of the superheated earth. It is basically whipped volcanic glass that is made up of tiny air bubbles. This means that pumice is a lightweight volcanic rock that makes it perfect for use as a soil amendment. The airy rock is ideal for use with cacti and succulents as well as other plants that require excellent drainage and air circulation. Plus, the porosity of pumice allows microbial life to thrive while maintaining soil structure better than perlite.

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Via Gardening How To – Gardening Know How https://www.gardeningknowhow.com
