Runoff Rain Gardening: Tips For Planting A Downspout Bog Garden

While drought is a very serious issue for many gardeners, others are faced with a much different obstacle – too much water. In regions that receive heavy rainfall in the spring and summer seasons, managing moisture in the garden and throughout their property can become quite difficult. This, in tandem with local regulations restricting drainage, can cause quite the conundrum for those looking for the best options for their yard. One possibility, the development of a downspout bog garden, is an excellent choice for those looking to add diversity and interest to their home landscape. Creating a Bog Garden Under a Downspout For those with excess runoff, rain gardening is an excellent way to optimize growing space that may have been thought unusable. Many native plant species are specifically adapted for and will thrive in locations that remain wet throughout the growing season. Creating a bog garden under a downspout

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