Quick set-up guide for Scarecrow Sprinklers

Quick set-up guide for Scarecrow Sprinklers

Scarecrow Sprinklers

They scarecrow sprinkler provides an effective, humane way to keep dogs, cats, squirrels, birds, or any other unwanted, animal intruders out of your garden.

Scarecrow sprinklers work by spraying the animal with a harmless jet of water, to frighten them away and make them reckon twice about coming back!

The Scarecrow is very simple to set-up. All you need to do is assemble the three basic components of the sprinkler, attach it to your garden hose, and follow these vital tips:

Set-up tips to ensure you get the most out of your Scarecrow.

1. Position the Scarecrow for optimum effect.

The Scarecrow has a wide detection area which spans across 105 degrees. Place the sprinkler where it will detect animals as they enter the protected area.

Avoid fake alarms! Make sure the sprinkler is not pointing toward anything which will cause a fake trigger, such as a walkway, a road, or a moving water feature.

2. Adjust the sprinkler.

Test the sprinkler to see whether the water spray falls over the area you want to protect. You may need to make a few adjustments to the position of the sprinkler and the nozzle.

3. Adjust the sensitivity.

The Scarecrow features a simple dial which allows you to select the degree of sensitivity of the infrared motion detector. The instruction manual includes a guide to choosing the right sensitivity for the target animal you wish to deter. A small experimentation will give you the optimum setting.

4. Choose an appropriate water pressure level.

The Scarecrow works using a pressurized hose, so the water does need to be turned on all the time, but it doesn’t need to be turned on all the way. In fact, turning it on all the way may result in flooding. How far you need to turn on the tap in order to maintain the right amount of water pressure will depend on how long and how pliable your garden hose is.

Again, a small experimentation is all you need, you can bey prinklers from here:

Where to use a Scarecrow Sprinkler

There is probably not another animal deterrent that is better known than the scarecrow. In many cases, it is nearly impossible for you to improve on the original, but that is not necessarily the case in every instance. A excellent example of this is the scarecrow sprinkler, and although it may not be stuffed with straw, it is an brilliant animal deterrent that can be used in both commercial and residential settings.

The way that the scarecrow sprinkler works is that it is hooked up to a water system, and comes equipped with a motion detector. Whenever an animal, or human for that matter comes into the range where the sprinkler is able to pick it up in the motion detector, the scarecrow sprhinkler immediately comes on and frightens them off. This is brilliant for use in a number of different settings.

A classic example of where you would use the scarecrow sprinkler is if you have an outdoor garden that is constantly being invaded by small animals. Having one, or perhaps two of these sprinklers available on the perimeter of the garden is going to frighten these animals off before they have the opportunity to get inside and do some hurt. The same is also right with larger animals, and the scarecrow sprinkler can easily frighten off a deer whenever they wander into the area unsuspecting.

Another brilliant way for you to use a scarecrow sprinkler is if you have a small pond. Many of us spend the majority of our free time taking care of these ponds, and the last thing that we want is unwelcome visitors in the form of waterfowl. The scarecrow sprinkler would be able to pick up on a landing duck, or perhaps even larger bird and to kick on for a few seconds in order to frighten them off.

One of the reasons why it is such a excellent thought to use a scarecrow sprinkler is not only to frighten the animals off as they come along, but also to retrain them in their habits. Most animals will not return to an area where they are constantly being frighten away by one of these contraptions.

Another brilliant use of the scarecrow sprinkler, although it is not always used in this regard is as a deterrent for trespassers. If you have an area that tends to be somewhat unguarded, such as a large first floor window, having a scarecrow sprinkler in place can be one of the best deterrences in somebody using that window to enter into your home.

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