DIY Rain Barrel Guide: Ideas To Make Your Own Rain Barrel

Homemade rain barrels can be large and complicated, or you can make a DIY rain barrel consisting of a simple, plastic container with a storage capacity of 75 gallons (284 L.) or less. Rainwater is especially good for plants, as the water is naturally soft and free of harsh chemicals. Saving rainwater in homemade rain barrels also minimizes your dependence on municipal water, and, more importantly, reduces runoff, which can allow sediment and harmful pollutants to enter waterways. When it comes to homemade rain barrels, there are a number of variations, depending on your specific site and your budget. Below, we have provided a few basic considerations to keep in mind as you begin to make your own rain barrel for the garden. How to Make a Rain Barrel Rain Barrel: Look for a 20- to 50-gallon (76-189 L.) barrel made of opaque, blue or black plastic. The barrel should
Via Gardening How To – Gardening Know How
