How to Grow Your Own Indoor Vegetable Garden

How to Grow Your Own Indoor Vegetable Garden

How to Grow Your Own Indoor Vegetable Garden

Have you ever considered growing your own indoor vegetable garden? Growing your own garden and eating your own vegetables can be very fun and rewarding, but if you don’t have the outside space to grow your vegetables in, then creating an indoor garden can be a good alternative.

There are several incentives to growing an indoor vegetable garden. For one thing, there are fewer weeds to deal with. You also lose the risk of animals such as deer and rabbits getting into your garden. You can also garden without worrying about getting hot and sunburned, which is the biggest incentive for some people.

To grow indoor vegetables, you will need some sort of container. Remember that plastic containers get hotter than a ceramic container, although plastic is almost always cheaper. No matter which option you go with, however, there must be a drainage hole at the bottom of the container. You can use a sharp object, such as an ice pick, to create a hole if there isn’t already one there.

The soil that you choose should be lightweight. It also needs to drain well. If you are going to grow vegetables that hang, such as tomatoes, then you should consider soil that is a combination of black peat moss, perlite, and vermiculite.

Once you have the soil and you have cut a hole in your container, if you needed to, then you can add the soil to the container. Don’t pack the soil too much or else there will be problems when it comes to drainage and root development. There should also be some space at the top for watering purposes, too.

Although you will be planting them indoors, it’s a good idea to stick with the same basic principles as outdoor gardening when it comes to when you should plant your vegetables. On the other hand, it’s much easier to start your indoor vegetable garden from seeds because you won’t have to worry about the weather conditions as much.

Once your seeds start sprouting, it is important that you thin them. You can also start your plants from sprouts, o begin with, which some people prefer because the results are more instantaneous.

There are a variety of vegetables that are easy to grow indoors. Some vegetables that are good options for indoor growing include bush beans, lettuce, sweet peppers, hot peppers, endive, radishes, small-rooted carrots, small-rooted beets, short-vined cucumbers and squash, spinach and eggplant. Cherry tomatoes are one option because as you pick the tomatoes off, they continue to grow back. Herbs are another popular item because they fit well in containers-even small ones.

It is also important to remember that plants that are grown indoors need more care than those grown outdoors because they are completely dependent upon you, and not the natural elements. Plants dry out quickly in containers so they must be watered more frequently. Smaller plants might even need to be watered twice a day.

If you are planting plants that are leaf-based, such as lettuce, then it’s a good idea to plant them in rooms that have cool temperatures. They do well in areas that don’t get much above 60 degrees Fahrenheit in the daytime and don’t get lower than 30 degrees in the night.

Tomatoes, hot peppers, beans, and cucumbers, on the other hand, prefer warmer temperatures. If growing them in the winter, they should be in a room where they receive both sunlight and heat.

Most plants need at least 6-8 hours of sunlight per day. If your abode does not receive this, then you might want to consider getting a fluorescent light to help supplement your natural light. In addition, you will have to pollinate your plants manually. This can be accomplished by using a paintbrush.

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