Zone 9 Banana Trees – Choosing Banana Plants For Zone 9 Landscapes

Gardeners in warm regions can rejoice. There are numerous varieties of banana plants for zone 9. These tropical plants need lots of potassium and plenty of water to produce the sweet fruits. They also need the high temperatures available in zone 9. Continue reading for some tips on growing bananas in zone 9 and make your neighbors jealous with bumper crops of the glorious yellow fruit. Considerations for Banana Plants for Zone 9 Bananas are native to the tropical and semi-tropical areas of the world. The plants come in several sizes, including dwarf varieties. Can you grow bananas in zone 9? Outside of the hardy varieties, bananas are suited for United States Department of Agriculture zones 7 to 11. This puts zone 9 gardeners right at the middle of the range. Zone 9 banana trees will thrive, especially with some thoughtful site conditions and judicious care. Banana trees range in
Via Gardening How To – Gardening Know How
