How To Plant A Backyard Habitat – Replacing Lawn With Smarter Plants

While a well-maintained and well-manicured lawn can add beauty and curb appeal to your home, many homeowners have made the choice to revamp their landscapes in favor of more natural options. The rising popularity in backyard native plants has led many gardeners to start getting rid of their lawns and focus on building a backyard habitat for wildlife. Getting Rid of Lawn for Wildlife Habitats Whether a disdain for mowing the grass or the wish to welcome more pollinators into the landscape, the practice of replacing home lawns with wildflowers and other native plants is not a new concept. Restoring habitat at home is an exciting process, as the possible combinations of flowering shrubs, trees, grasses, and bushes is nearly limitless. The first step to creating a new backyard habitat is to remove portions of lawn. Before doing so, carefully consider how much lawn to leave intact. Removal of lawns
Via Gardening How To – Gardening Know How
