Zone 6 Melons: Choosing Melons For Zone 6 Gardens

Home-grown melons are one of summer’s sweetest treats. But melon favorites like cantaloupes, watermelons and honeydews prefer toasty temperatures and a long growing season. Can you grow melons in zone 6? You can’t just grow any melons in cooler climates, but there are melons for zone 6 available. Read on for information on growing zone 6 melons as well as zone 6 varieties. About Zone 6 Melons Can you grow melons in zone 6? Generally, you’ll have better luck with watermelons and other melon types if you garden in a warmer area with a lengthy growing season. These fruits need lots of sun. But there are zone 6 melons that may work in some areas. If you aren’t sure of your hardiness zone, you should probably find out before starting your garden. U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones are determined by the lowest winter temperatures. Zone 6 is a
Via Gardening How To – Gardening Know How
