What Is A Wicking Bed – DIY Wicking Bed Ideas For Gardeners

A wicking bed is an easy and effective solution if you’re gardening in a climate with low rainfall. It allows water to accumulate and be taken up by plant roots naturally, making it possible to grow water loving plants even in arid climates. Keep reading to learn more about how to make a wicking bed and tips for building a wicking bed from scratch. Wicking Bed Facts What is a wicking bed? A wicking bed is a raised garden bed built over a water reservoir of the same size, allowing the plants in the bed to absorb water at a natural rate, even if the surrounding soil is dry. This is useful in arid climates, areas under water hogging trees, and gardens that are destined to wait long periods of time between irrigations. The basic structure of a wicking bed includes a plastic lined reservoir of gravel with a hole-filled
Via Gardening How To – Gardening Know How https://www.gardeningknowhow.com
