What Is Terra Preta – Learn About Amazonian Black Earth

Terra preta is a type of soil prevalent in the Amazon Basin. It was thought to be the result of soil management by ancient South Americans. These master gardeners knew how to create a nutrient rich soil also known as “dark earth.” Their efforts left behind clues for the modern gardener on how to create and develop garden spaces with superior growing medium. Terra preta del indio is the full term for the rich soils that pre-Columbian Indians farmed from 500 to 2500 years ago B.C. What is Terra Preta? Gardeners know the importance of rich, deeply cultivated, well-draining soil but often have difficulty achieving it on the land they use. Terra preta history can teach us a lot about how to manage land and develop soil. This type of “Amazonian black earth” was the result of centuries of careful nurturing of the land and traditional farming practices. A primer
Via Gardening How To – Gardening Know How https://www.gardeningknowhow.com
