Cold Hardy Wildflowers: Choosing Wildflowers For Zone 4 Landscapes

Wildflowers are a key part of many gardens, and with good reason. They’re beautiful, they’re self-sufficient, and as long as they’re grown in the proper place, they’re good for the environment. But how do you know which wildflowers will grow in your climate? Keep reading to learn more about growing wildflowers in zone 4 and selecting cold hardy wildflowers that will stand up to zone 4 winters. Selecting Wildflowers for Zone 4 Gardens Before delving too far into wildflower selection, it’s important to understand that USDA zones are based on temperature, and not necessarily on geography. A flower that’s native in one part of zone 4 may be invasive in another part. This is especially important to remember when planting wildflowers, as they are usually self-seeding (and more likely to spread) and because they are often meant to be low maintenance and able to survive in their native environment with
Via Gardening How To – Gardening Know How
